How to Start Journaling and Hear God’s Voice Daily

Are you looking for a deeper connection with God but not sure where to start? Journaling is a simple yet powerful way to grow closer to Him, organize your thoughts, and discover His purpose for your life.

In this post, you’ll learn why I am so passionate about journaling, why it is so important, how to begin, and practical steps to make it an enjoyable habit. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, you’ll find tips to create a journaling routine that works for you. Plus, I’ll share prompts to guide your writing, help you hear God’s voice more clearly, and share a free gift to get you started.

Let’s dive in and make journaling a meaningful part of your walk with God!

My Introduction to Journaling

It is God’s will that we will all come to know Him, love Him, and know what His will is for our lives. Good habits like reading our Bibles daily, journaling, praying, and fasting don’t come easily, and it was not easy for me at all until after I started the practice of fasting—which I will write about in a separate post.

Instead of scrolling or binging TV for hours or sleeping in, God will use those hours of the day to tell you all about what He has stored up for you. Like when I went all in a 40-day partial fast, I had no idea writing would be something God had for me. 

I’m a graphic designer by trade, so writing was never even something I had considered to be a talent of mine; throughout my career, I formatted copy to look beautiful, but I had not written anything outside of a few headlines and social posts. But slowly, through the practice of journaling, I could see that He was preparing me to be a writer.

God is a good, good Father! God wants to bless you, set you free from all oppression, from the distractions of the world to prosper you and give you a future. Journaling is a tool to get you there.

Why is it So Important to Write Things Down?

Writing strengthens our ability to learn and remember. Teachers will tell you that it is beneficial for learning when you take notes in class. Why? Because you can always refer to your notes at a later time to solidify learning. The same applies when you spend time with God. Write down the instructions He gives you because He is our ultimate teacher. 

I was never a good student. I tried, but it never came naturally. So if you aren’t naturally inclined to journal, don’t feel like you must be perfect at it to start. Start where you are and focus on consistency.  

How to Begin Journaling?

Ok, let’s talk about getting started with journaling. Here are a few simple steps:

  1. Purchase a journal: Choose one that inspires you; one that you can keep nearby with a good comfortable (and working) pen. By investing in a small item as a journal and maybe some cute pens, you are intentionally preparing yourself for success. 

  2. Set a Daily Alarm: Dedicate a specific time every day to write out your prayers and goals. 

  3. Practice Listening to God: This is the most important practice: pausing and listening to the Lord’s instructions. Write down any impressions or thoughts that come to mind. Hearing from God takes practice, so don’t stop trying if you don’t hear from him on the first try. I remember the thrill that came when I first started to hear from Him. Keep trying with expectation and excitement.

Journaling can transform your mornings. There have been so many days I’ve felt discouraged, but after journaling and Bible study, I’m filled with joy and ready to take on the day! I can’t tell you how many mornings I have woken up discouraged and low, but after Bible study and journaling, I leap for joy for the day ahead. 

Building Good Habits & Overcoming Distractions

Start by reading God’s word for at least 15–30 minutes. This can begin your journaling habit as you read and underline anything that stands out to you. If you are unable to focus don’t sweat it, just keep it up! 

It might be hard at first to know what to journal, so here are some prompts to help you get started: 

  • Praise: Reflect on who God is and His character. Write down what you love about Him.

  • Thanksgiving: List the blessings in your life and thank God for His provision and care.

  • Prayer Requests: Bring your needs and the needs of others before God. Be specific and honest.

  • Confession: Acknowledge areas where you’ve fallen short and ask for forgiveness.

  • Pause and Listen: Take a moment to quiet your mind and heart. Write down any impressions or thoughts that come to you as you sit in God’s presence.

If you are ever unsure about not hearing God accurately, pray for clarity and seek to read more of his word. Once you know God’s heart and really believe he dwells within you, you will begin to hear him more and clearly. He is so faithful to His word.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. (John 10:27–28)

Create a Comfortable and Inspiring Space

Your journaling time and location matter! The best time to journal in my opinion is early in the morning.! Like, I’m talking about 5 or 6 am, while still in some cozy pjs, cuddling in with some fluffy pillows, a throw blanket, and (of course) a freshly pressed cup of coffee, tea, or hot water, and lemon. 

Perhaps you are a night owl and the thought of getting up at 5 am is flat no. No worries, I would suggest preparing your journal and pens on your nightstand and be sure to turn off all distractions—no texting, no scrolling, just you, a good study bible, a journal, and a pen. Again, my biggest tip is to have fun! This should not feel like a chore and if it does, pray for God to help you get there.

Location is important because the more prepared you are, the more willing and ready you will be to begin each day with intention.  You might try playing gentle, instrumental music, but if it’s too distracting, turn it off. 

During the summer months, you might enjoy writing outside on your patio or opening a window for some fresh air. If it’s a colder season, you might want a warm blanket, cozy socks, and maybe a candle or two. These little sweet things will make the experience enjoyable, and you will dart out of bed each morning for that special time. 

Whether you journal early in the morning or late at night, make it enjoyable. This time with God should feel like a special event, not a chore.

The devil is in all the distractions, for Jesus said: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10)

These essentials have made each morning with God an event to cherish each morning: PJ’s, warm throw, fluffy pillows, french coffee press, study bible, journal, warm socks, candle, fuzzy slippers, cute mug, and pen.

Fight Distractions and Make It Fun

Distractions can keep us from hearing God clearly. Jesus reminds us:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

If journaling starts to feel like a chore, pray for God to renew your joy in it. A fast can also help strip away distractions—whether it’s a habit, health issue, or other obstacle—and refocus your heart on God.

Just think about God’s original intention for creating us: He created us to be in fellowship with him and to walk with him daily. This is why I am so passionate about journaling, I just know that it will bring your life so much clarity and abundance. I want you to have a rich relationship with God so much that I have created this easy-to-print-out journal with promptings that will most importantly help you grow in your relationship with Him, drive you to become productive, and become intentional in all your goals. 

Because I love you so much, I have added a few extra bonuses; I have also included a handy water intake checklist because to be productive you must stay hydrated, and a handy daily chore reminder because if you are anything like me, sometimes we tackle way so much on our plates that we end up getting nothing done so focus on one or two chores a day. 

Remember, God has something very special that he wants to share with you, something He created ONLY FOR YOU! So, you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone else’s calling because what He has for you is uniquely for you

Ready to get started? Click the button below for your free starter journal with promptings to enrich your walk with God.

Also, make sure you are signed up for our newsletter! You don’t want to miss the next post! It will blow your socks off.

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Photo credit: J&H Creative Co.


Discover God’s Vision for Your Life Through Journaling